ERO is active in science and in national and international research and their transferability to apply within its remit. ERO monitors the ongoing research activities related to new technology trends and evaluates their influence on the energy sector and on its own operation. Based on the outcomes from research, development and innovation projects, ERO then helps to draw up proposals for and modifications to the related policies, strategies and individual programmes of support for research, development and innovation.
ERO promotes applied research, development and innovation (R&D&I) in disciplines relevant for its own agenda and activities. ERO promotes R&D&I directly through designing and implementing aid programmes, and indirectly through cooperation with research organisations and universities. The purpose is to apply modern advanced R&D&I outcomes in ERO’s activities, to accelerate research in related areas, and to interlink the R&D sphere with the application and implementation of its results by state administration authorities.
Programmes of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
ERO contributes to the design and running of the programmes of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. These specifically include the BETA 2 (a programme of public procurement in applied research, development and innovation for the state administration’s needs) and the THETA (a programme for modernising the energy sector, including research in public interest and energy strategies).
Under the BETA 2 programme, ERO formulates research needs, and the programme subsequently meets them by way of public contracts. Under the THETA programme, ERO helps to formulate the priority research objectives under Sub-programme 1 Research in Public Interest. In the THETA programme, ERO plays the role of an application guarantor for projects geared towards issues related to ERO’s activities and regulation in energy industries.
Support for research projects
ERO is also ready to grant its aegis to additional project applications and proposals under programmes in the preparation of which it is not directly involved, such as the TREND, Prostředí pro život, and EnerDigit national and sectoral programmes, and international aid programmes administered by the European Commission and other institutions, including, for example, Interreg, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, and CETPartnership. ERO is ready to support project proposals related to its own agenda, thereby spurring the development of international research in public interest for application in the Czech Republic.
ERO processes the applications for aegis granting in accordance with its approved internal methodology.
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